Deb Tucker - July 16 - 18, 2020

Deb has been an avid quilt maker since 1981 and describes herself as a "Machine Piecing Efficiency Expert". She has developed numerous streamlined construction techniques and tools to ensure high quality success with all levels of quilters. Her patented tools - Rapid Fire Hunter's Star, Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star and fundamental line of rulers (Tucker Trimmer, Wing Clipper, Square/Squared, V-Block Trimmer, Corner Beam Trimmer, and others) are sold nationally and internationally.
As a designer, Deb has many patterns, books, online video tutorials and additional products to guide quilters with their machine piecing processes. In 2008 not only did she launch her company, Studio 180 Design, she was also nominated for "Teacher of the Year" by Professional Quilter Magazine. Her business now has 5 full time employees and 60+ Certified Instructors (trained individuals who are available to teach and lecture all across this country and abroad). When not traveling, Deb, her husband Jeff, and their crew of "cat helpers" now live in beautiful, central North Carolina.
• Workshops •

Coral Reef • Thursday, July 16th
Create the look of curves with just straight-line piecing. Careful fabric placement will enhance the illusion of interlocking rings and curves. Construct the units oversized and use the Wedge Star™ tool to trim, so you don't struggle to make the blocks. An addicting process with endless variations. Finished Size: 77" x 77"
Registration Fee: $75
Click here to register.
Preorder your quilt kit here.
Required: Wedge Star™ tool, Tucker Trimmer III
Supply List coming soon

Rapid Fire LeMoyne Star • Friday, June 17th
Finally, a tool and technique that will allow any quilter to quickly, easily and accurately piece traditional Lemoyne Star blocks in 10 different sizes! The block units are strip pieced, assembled without using any “Y” seams, pieced so that the blocks themselves are slightly oversized so at the end each can be trimmed to an exact size. You can check out the process in our free online video demonstration. Deb’s step by step directions and Constellation bonus quilt project will have you turning Lemoyne Star blocks out by the dozens. A truly addicting ruler and process.
Finished Size: 37" x 37"
Registration Fee: $75
Click here to register.
Quilt Kit info coming soon
Required: Rapid Fire LeMoyne Star Tool
Supply List coming soon

Sonoran Sunrise • Saturday, July 18th
This unique design is made using the Rapid Fire Hunter’s Star: Petite Star tool and Deb's streamlined construction techniques. The Rapid Fire© Hunter’s Star tool and technique allow for streamlined construction and precision trim down and thus results in ease and accuracy when making these traditionally difficult blocks. The results will amaze you!
Finished Size: 58" x 72"
Registration Fee: $75
Click here to register.
Quilt Kit info coming soon
Required: Hidden Treasures Book, Rapid Fire Hunters Star Petite
Supply List coming soon